

On the following pages, you will find the most important contents of our internet presence in the English language.

  • The area "Citizens in Aschaffenburg" contains an overview of the services which are provided by the city of Aschaffenburg to their citizens.
  • In the category "Culture & Tourism", you can find information on the sights and the history of the city and plan your stay in Aschaffenburg.
  • The area "Sports & Free time" shows you the variety of sporting activities in Aschaffenburg you can take part in and informs you about the parks and green spaces where you can relax.
  • The area "Economy" provides the most important information for all those who want to start business activities in Aschaffenburg.
  • The area "Contact" contains the telephone numbers and addresses of all the offices of the municipal administration as well as detailed information on the city council.